Games and Interactives

The products featured here address math and science education, nutrition, food safety, financial literacy, and more. Audiences include K-12, agricultural producers, food service workers, laboratory workers, environmental workers, and more.

Cozy River Valley

Cozy River Valley

Manage your farm while also meeting the water needs of the community and the environment. Players must make surface water and groundwater use decisions, work with neighbors to maintain and replenish the aquifer, and provide water to wetlands and downstream users.

Play Cozy River Valley

Image from Night of the Living debt

Night of the Living Debt

Survive the zombie outbreak by managing your finances. Do you have what it takes? Get college loans, buy a car, buy a house: It's your decision. In Night of the Living Debt, manage your finances or be eaten alive by bad credit.

Play Night of the Living Debt

Image from iTIPS

iTIPS Food Safety

Workers learn about common food safety issues that arise in small production facilities. This interactive web module provides robust access to training tools to help improve food safety practices and regulatory compliance.

Learn with iTIPS Food Safety

Produce TRAINer banner with characters in the game

Produce TRAINer

A food safety training toolkit for produce farm workers, with lessons and scenarios to practice risk assessment on the farm. Learn about how decision making and Standard Operating Procedures help keep you and the produce you work with safe.

Play Produce TRAINer.

Characters from Biotech Lab game

Dr. Eugene's Biotech Lab

In this educational game, middle school students explore the ways gene editing and bioengineering contribute to human health, plant and animal agriculture and environmental protection. Players choose among nine different scenarios with mini-games about gene editing.

Play Dr. Eugene's Biotech Lab.

Theme Park Kitchen banner with characters in the game

Theme Park Kitchen

The game teaches food safety in engaging ways and helps youth internalize safe practices around cooking and food handling. Theme Park Kitchen is great to play in the classroom, at home, or as part of 4-H or Extension programs.

Play Theme Park Kitchen.

Farm Sanitizing Banner Image

Farm Sanitizing

Minimize contamination from pathogenic microorganisms on tools and equipment to reduce cross-contamination and foodborne illnesses.

Learn about Farm Sanitizing.

My Plate My Day banner image


Learn how your favorite foods fit into a MyPlate guide, how to put combination foods into categories, and find ways to eat more of what you need.

Plan your plate with MyPlateMyDay.

Virtual Insect Lab banner image

Virtual Insect Collection Lab

This interactive module helps learners practice pinning, pointing, and spreading insects properly to preserve them for scientific study. Collections are important to science, and each insect gives a snapshot of its population at the time it was collected. 

Start your Virtual Insect Collection.

Agrinautica Banner Image


Terraform planets by adding gorgeous plants, animals, fungi, and minerals, each representing a unique mathematical expression. This game is designed for 4th and 5th graders learning mathematical expression-building and order of operations, important pre-algebra skills.

Grow your garden in Agrinautica.

Curse Reverse banner image

Curse Reverse

Curse Reverse helps players understand linear expressions and variables. To "reverse the curse" and understand that variables can represent quantities, players create paths by manipulating blocks with defined and variable values.

Return the Treasure in Curse Reverse.

Gate banner image


Gate helps students better understand place values and understand mathematical concepts that can apply to integers of every magnitude.

Play Gate.

Game Over Gopher banner image

Game Over Gopher

This guides students in learning coordinate pairs, the four quadrants, differentiating between coordinates, and plotting functions on a grid. 

Play Game Over Gopher.

Math Snacks banner image

Math Snacks

Math Snacks are short animations and mini-games designed to help learners "get it". Each snack presents a mathematical concept, particularly those addressed in grades 6, 7 and 8. Ideal for use in a classroom or on your own. The accompanying print materials can assist learners in applying their conceptual understanding to math problems.

Learn more at Math Snacks.

Monster School Bus banner image

Monster School Bus

Make sure not to divide up groups: monsters don't like that! Monster School Bus supports students in understanding numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number system, visualizing numbers as sets and quantities, and building new mathematical knowledge through problem solving. Part of the Math Snacks suite.

Play Monster School Bus.

Pearl Diver banner image

Pearl Diver

Dive for pearls in a beautiful seascape! Pearl Diver addresses number and operations standards, such as number line sense, whole numbers, decimals, mixed numbers and fractions. Part of the Math Snacks suite.

Play Pearl Diver.

Ratio Rumble banner image

Ratio Rumble

In this game, you build your own potions! Ratio Rumble addresses equivalent ratios and guides students in providing visual representations of ratios and understanding how ratios relate to fractions and decimals.

Play Ratio Rumble.

Outbreak Squad banner image

Outbreak Squad

Protect people from getting sick via research and education. Designed for grades five and above, it is suitable for those interested in learning about food safety and foodborne illness.

Play Outbreak Squad.

Water Sampling banner image

Water Sampling

Water for irrigation comes from ponds, streams, rivers, canals, or water treatment plants. Farmers and scientists test water samples from these sources to make sure they are safe for use.

Learn with Water Sampling.

Science of Agriculture banner image

Science of Agriculture

These videos and labs explore animal science, range science, environmental science, and soil science. Designed to enhance undergraduates' foundational knowledge of math, chemicals, and soil.

Check out Science of Agriculture.

Nitrogen and Agriculture banner image

Nitrogen & Agriculture

This fun and interactive tool explores the importance of nitrogen for plant, animal, and soil health. Build amino acids and fertilizer molecules and calculate molecular weight in relation to nitrogen content.

Try Nitrogen & Agriculture.

Night of the Living Debt banner image

Night of the Living Debt

Survive the zombie outbreak by managing your finances. Do you have what it takes? Use a credit card, get college loans, buy a car, rent a house: It's your decision. Check your credit score, and don’t fall prey to zombies!

Play Night of the Living Debt.

Virtual Labs banner image

Virtual Labs

These modules teach high school and college students laboratory skills and concepts relevant to food science, including using a microscope, testing for aflatoxin, culturing bacteria, measuring pH, and using disposable lab equipment.

Try the Virtual Labs.

Irrigation Training Models banner image

Irrigation Training Modules

Explore four treatment methods for cleaning irrigation water so you can choose the appropriate treatment while validating, verifying, and monitoring your process. 

Learn about Water Treatment Systems.

Potluck Panic banner image

Potluck Panic!

Make sure food gets assembled safely, from factory to potluck. As you advance in the game, gather knowledge and skill to prevent multiple food disasters at once. 

Play Potluck Panic!

Stay Safe with Horses banner image

Stay Safe with Horses

This module builds users' understanding of horse behavior so that they can learn to handle horses safely and effectively.

Visit Stay Safe Working with Horses.

Nitritious Nitrogen banner image

Nutritious Nitrogen

Learn how to calculate feeding and fertilizing regimes for plants and animals to optimize growth and avoid polluting waterways.

Explore Nutritious Nitrogen.

Eat Move O Matic banner image


Learn about the foods you eat and how they help fuel your body for your favorite activities. Get interesting tips on how small changes can make big differences!

Try Eat-&-Move-o-Matic.

Creature Cavern banner image

Creature Caverns

Come and explore the fundamentals of graphing on the coordinate plane. There are interesting creatures lurking in the dark! This game is designed for middle schoolers learning about plotting ordered pairs on a coordinate plane.

Create your creature in Creature Caverns.

Legacy Projects (No Longer Available)

Chinese Food Safety banner image

Chinese Food Safety

Help food service workers learn food safety concepts. Includes training aids, a slide set for a food safety certification exam, handouts, songs, a video, and links to other resources. All materials are available in English and Simplified Chinese.

Visit Chinese Food Safety.

Ninja Kitchen banner image

Ninja Kitchen

Speed is important, but the safety of food always comes first. Stop for lunch at a cafe staffed entirely by ninjas. Ninja Kitchen’s sophisticated gameplay helped youth learn the principles of food safety.

Learn about the impacts of Ninja Kitchen.

Safe Preparation of Beef Jerky banner image

Safe Preparation of Beef Jerky

Beef jerky is prepared via a variety of methods. This educational module allowed users to specify the method they use and shows what key steps are necessary for a safe product in each case.

Learn about the Safe Preparation of Beef Jerky.

Threadsylvania banner image


In a forgotten land the minions of evil have returned once again. One by one, towns and farms have all fallen victim to these creatures. Only one stronghold remains: Treadsylvania. Safely ride your ATV through mysterious locations and defeat the horrible monsters to free the town from their evil grasp!

Explore Treadsylvania.

Food Detectives banner image

Food Detectives Fight BAC!

This site for kids ages 8-12 included songs, activities, and arcade-style games. Through playing, youth understood the importance of washing hands and utensils, chilling leftovers properly, cooking food to the proper temperature, and separating cooked food from raw meat and juices.

Science Pirates banner image

Science Pirates: The Curse of Brownbeard

This game was designed to build awareness of food safety issues through an understanding of scientific processes. Games, songs, and scientific experiments gave youth the "whys" behind good food safety practices and a chance to help the crew break the curse!

Nutrition Decision banner image

Nutrition Decision

This series of games helped middle school students make better choices when selecting food by better understanding nutritional labels and serving sizes. It also focused on the importance of exercise and physical activity.

Choices banner image

Choices In A Pack: Tobacco Education for Teenagers

Presented with teens in mind (popularity, looks, and peer group interests), this curriculum offered students decision-making situations regarding cigarettes and smokeless tobacco.

Crazy about Corn banner image

Crazy About Corn

This collection of games, songs, videos and activities introduced children to the history and cultural importance of corn, including its role in Indigenous cultures and scientific techniques related to corn. Educational resource books supplemented classroom learning, and the "Hot Buttered Hits and Songbook" allowed children (and adults) to sing along.

Visit Crazy About Corn.

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Exergames Unlocked

The Exergames Unlocked project explored specific recommendations for exergame implementation based on research, using mass-market, commercially available exergames. Exergames have been linked to weight loss and increased voluntary participation in physical exercise as well as the potential for increasing self-esteem and spending time with family.

Try Exergames Unlocked.